Redesign Your Dining Room Chairs To Save Money


You don’t have to throw away your old dining room chairs because the upholstery is worn. You can give your old dining room chairs a new lease of life with a little elbow grease. All you need to do is use a staple gun and some upholstery fabric. Continue reading to learn how to make your dining room chair look like new.


  • Take out the old upholstery. This is the most tedious part of the project. However, it is important to do a thorough task. Use a flathead screwdriver to remove any staples that are holding the fabric in place, then gently pull the fabric away from the chair. If the foam padding is in bad shape, you can replace it with new foam or stuffing.
  • The new fabric should be cut. Measure the chair’s seat to determine the amount of fabric you will need. Add about 2 inches around the edges for extra room. Cut out your fabric using sharp scissors and set it aside.
  • The new fabric should be attached. Center the new piece of fabric on the seat of the chair, then start stapling it into place with your staple gun. Work your way around the seat, pulling the fabric taut as you go and making sure that there are no wrinkles or bunches. When you get all the way around, trim off any excess fabric with scissors, and voila! Youve got yourself a brand-new dining room chair.


  • Play with patterns and fabrics! You can make a big impression by updating your chairs to match your room’s style. To make your new chairs stand out, don’t be afraid of choosing a bright solid color or a neutral pattern.
  • Have some patience and follow it through. Although it might seem daunting at first, you will be able to achieve great results.
  • Finish it off. You can change the color of the frame of the chairs, for instance, some people may want to stain the color of their wooden chairs. You can also add pins or stones to the chairs to give it a higher look.


You can make your dining room chairs look new again in 30 minutes with a few simple supplies. Follow these steps to remove the upholstery and attach the fabric. Then relax and enjoy the results!